Upcoming Events
Open to Virtues At Work Core Course graduates and moderators at no charge
Event Description
Join us for a mix and greet on August 25th 2024. Come listen to speakers and participate in our Q & A on AI in business.
This event will is open to Virtues at Work alumni and their significant others.
Patrick Wilson is CTO at Longbeard, a digital agency based out of Toronto and Cape Town (South Africa). A native of Toronto, he has over 10 years of experience in technical consulting and leading digital projects for major non-profit and religious organizations including EWTN, Vatican Observatory, Augustine Institute and more.
More recently, he has been leading development and implementation of AI solutions, including Magisterium AI and Vulgate AI. Patrick also serves as co-chair on the board of directors for Our Lady of the Pillar Academy in Strathroy, ON, where he currently lives with his wife and 4 children.
2:30 PM - Reception (wine and cheese)
4:00 PM - Talk and Q&A with Patrick Wilson
6:00 PM - Departure
Past Events
Venue: Ernescliff College
156 St George St, Toronto, ON M5S 2G1
Cost: Free, please RSVP
Event Description
This event will be open to both Men and Women.
Jamil Jivani is a lawyer, author and broadcaster. He was elected as the Member of Parliament for Durham on March 4th 2024. Raised by a single mom and having overcome many challenges, he graduated from Humber College, York University, and Yale Law School.
Jamil has volunteered with several organizations dedicated to improving the lives of youth. As a cancer survivor, he understands the importance of high-quality local health care and strong public services. Jamil is a fighter who will always stand up for his community and fight for what's right.
Hosted and Moderated by Peter Copeland.
9:15 - 9:45 AM - Responsible citizens and Politics - Why be engaged? with Brendan Steven
9:45 - 11 AM - Jamil Jivani on Perseverance and the Importance of the Virtues

Venue: Hawthorn School for Girls
101 Scarsdale Road, Toronto, On M3B 2R2
Cost: $100/Person or $150/Couple
Join us for a Toronto Business Forum lead by Alexandre Havard, Founder of the Virtuous Leadership System and the Virtuous Leadership Institute, on Saturday November 25, at 7:00PM at the Hawthorn School for Girls (101 Scarsdale Road, Toronto, On M3B 2R2). Tickets are $100/Person or $150/Couple. Come listen to find out the secret of great leaders.
Alexandre Havard is the founder of the Virtuous Leadership System. He was born and raised in Paris and has a law degree from a leading law school (Paris Descartes University). He worked as a lawyer in Europe for many years before discovering his mission to ignite hearts for greatness and raise up a new generation of Virtuous Leaders.
He is the founder and director of the Virtuous Leadership Institute which has offices in all five continents. prolific writer with titles such as "Virtuous Leadership", "Created for Greatness", "From Temperament to Character", "Free Hearts", "Coached by Joan of Arc", and "Discovering a Mission". Several of these have been translated into many languages.
The agenda for the evening will be as follow:
7:00 PM - Mix and Greet
7:30 PM - Address and Q&A
9:00 PM - Book Signing

Open to Virtues At Work Core Course graduates and moderators at no charge
Join us for a mix and greet on August 20th 2023. Come listen to speakers and participate in our Q and A on leadership through moral formation.
We are delighted to have Xavier Palou flying in to be our guest speaker.
After completing his studies at the prestigious Institut d'Études Politiques de Paris, Xavier worked in marketing and communication positions at Air France, IPSOS and other big companies in France.
At the age of 38 years, he started teaching part-time in several universities and schools. Later on, with other entrepreneurs who shared the idea of the importance of the formation of virtues, he founded an innovative business school called EMD; https://www.emd.fr/
EMD School of business has set a lofty goal for itself: to train future managers whilst surrounding its teaching with an ethical vision of humankind and human engagement. Openness to the world, the respect which all people deserve, and an awareness that work must be done responsibly in the service of others are all values cultivated at EMD. Thanks to a teaching style which focuses on developing the whole person, EMD contributes to companies’ growth and to the good of society.
Xavier, will explain to us how, EMD managed to setup this school and how we can also contribute to the formation of the virtues of our employees and partners as a key to success.
This is an event only for those who have completed the Virtues@Work core program, the moderators and team associated with Virtues@Work.
Want More Events?
The Virtues at Work team is currently thinking up a variety of fun and engaging events. In the meantime, feel free to get in touch with us through one of the methods below with your event ideas and suggestions.